Synergy Network in person meetings are suspended indefinitely while we deal with C-19, but that is no reason to stop networking!
Synex wishes to continue to support our members with educational & informative sessions so we will be doing it with social distancing in mind. Therefore, we are switching to a format that reflects the care and focus we place on the health and wellbeing of our community.
Synergy Network is pleased to replace the March breakfast meeting with a Virtual meeting on Zoom ....bring your own coffee
7:15 am Zoom Meeting starts with our normal Open Networking & Chat
7:30 am Synergy Network committee UpdatesNew Member Profile: Steven Knight, Mosaic
Speaker: James Cumming, Member of Parliament for Edmonton Centre and Shadow Minister for Small Businesses and Export Promotion
As the newly appointed Shadow Minister for Small Businesses and Export Promotion, James will be discussing the legislative and political initiatives over the past few months in the House of Commons, including recent developments during the COVID-19 pandemic, and he’s hoping to hear from Synergy members on their issues and concerns during these trying times.
Zoom Link below
Meeting ID: 620 094 776